3 New Year blogging resolutions

My first full year of blogging is thus completed, and I feel that the time is upon us for some blogging resolutions. Three seems a good number, not too many that I will not complete the majority, but also with some room for error-the only thing I need to do is think up three resolutions (or goals. I’m sure goals count). Oh, and I’ve got to keep them too. That may be a bit harder. As they are blogging resolutions, there’s nothing about life off of the interwebs (which would probably be quite exam focussed).

Number one-make some new blogging friends whilst keeping old ones

There are a few bloggers who I would consider myself good friends with, and who are always generous, kind, and supportive. Making friends is always great, but keeping friends is equally important, and whilst having a large readership is pleasant, the true enjoyment of blogging comes from the camaraderie and friendships that are forged in this furnace of fire. OK, it’s not really a furnace of fire, I just wanted something with some alliteration to make it come “trippingly on the tongue”. Tangents aside, the thing that keeps me-and I’m sure everyone else too-coming back each day to blogging are the friends I’ve made.

Number two-post every day for a month

This may be a bit tricksy to do, but I’ll give it a shot. I’ve got AS exams and mocks in the summer (have I mentioned that yet?) which determine which university I can go to, so clearly they have the focus. That aside, I’ve got in mind a not too busy month, February might be nice (I’ve signed up to Writing 201 for then) given how short it is, or perhaps after the exams in the summer hols.

Number three-receive 10,000 views

Stats are a nice reflection on how well written your content is, and on how welcoming your blog is. Therefore (goes my logic), if I can increase my view count it shows that I’m doing number one on the list at least part right (and as I said above, it is nice to know that people are reading). 10,000 is a bit of a step up from last year’s, but (I feel) entirely manageable, especially if I don’t take breaks.

What’s coming up

I seem to be repeatedly saying what’s coming up, and having time to write about what’s coming up, but I have yet to write the posts that are coming up. So what these ‘what’s coming up’ bits are really is me saying ‘that’d be nice, I should write that’. So on my list of things that’d be nice, I should write that is:

  • Ebooks vs paper books
  • An analysis of the ‘To be or not to be’ soliloquy in Hamlet (two birds, or so I hope)
  • A brand new logo for the Forays. Although we have lost Ritu for an indeterminate length of time ( 😦 ), hopefully they will continue to grow…

I hope you all have a happy and prosperous 2016!

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