Flash Fiction Foray-‘A Bridge Over You’

It’s that time of week again, and this week there are three fantastic entries to take a look at, based on The Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Choir’s shot at UK Christmas number 1, A Bridge Over You (which achieved the goal!). There were a few fewer entries this week, perhaps due to festive exertions and me posting more unrelated things than normal…

The entrants were Ritu from But I Smile Anyway…  who had a tribute to the National Health Service with a gentle, kind, and caring piece Sheldon Kleeman meanwhile focussed on the bridge, using symbolism and repetition to emphasise his point in a similar way to Curtis Bausse, who similarly used symbolism but examined the phrase ‘to get over’ in both its literal and its metaphorical senses.

Ritu’s post: A Bridge Over You – FFF 25

Curtis’ piece: Flash Fiction: The Bridge Over

Sheldon’s piece: FFF 25 The Bridge

The next challenge will be given tomorrow evening…

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