‘Pure Imagination’-FFF23

By Acather96 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)%5D, via Wikimedia Commons
created the event Monday Flash Fiction Foray a little while ago (please view for rules and explanation). After the last edition on Adele’s Hello, where there were seven brilliant entries, this week’s edition will be on (drumroll please)… Fional Apple’s track from an advert, a cover of Pure Imagination due to its haunting cover of a normally upbeat tune. Feel free to base responses of anything to do with the song, I always enjoy any different takes!

Please don’t feel obliged to listen to the full video… Don’t forget to pingback to here, and add the tag ‘Flash Fiction Foray’!

13 thoughts on “‘Pure Imagination’-FFF23

  1. I had to go to YouTube to see what that one was about! How on earth did you stumble onto that? Do they have Chipotles over there? We have one right down the street from us, but I’d never seen that. 😮

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